Invest in Your Health Program

AgriSafe has developed the Invest in Your Health Trainer Course to certify educators to train on seven modules designed for young adults ages 14-23. AgriSafe provides course instruction and training materials. Once certified, educators will have the freedom to use these materials in their classroom. The ultimate goal is to enhance the capabilities of local agricultural educators, rural health professionals, and rural leaders to train young workers.

Currently, AgriSafe offers seven training modules:
  1. Say What? Protecting your Hearing
  2. Cover Up! Head to Toe Personal Protective Equipment
  3. Stay Cool! Prevention of Heat Related Illness
  4. Stop Zoonosis in its Tracks - Prevention of Zoonosis
  5. Where Y’at - Using Mapping to Define Hazards in Agriculture
  6. Cultivating a Healthy Mind: Mental Wellness for Youth
  7. No Safe Way to Vape

AgriSafe is using an open share curriculum model to expand access to agricultural safety and health curriculum to a wide range of health and safety instructors including parents, teachers, and employers. This curriculum was created with a classroom audience in mind and has been used in various ways to train youth and new agricultural employees.


Learn more about the Invest in Your Health Program!

Technical Requirements

We recommend using Google Chrome as your browser. Courses in Elevate require the following systems to operate properly: Windows 7 or later, Mac OS X 10.9 or later, Chrome 60 or greater, Firefox 52 or greater, Edge 14 or greater, Safari 10 or greater, iOS 10 or greater, Internet Explorer 11.

If you are trying to register or are in the middle of a course and things aren't working, please email or call (985) 327-1748 for assistance.
