Invest in Your Health Training Topics:

Say What? Hearing Loss Prevention


This Train the Trainer course is designed for teachers, Extension staff, 4H and FFA leaders and others who work with young adults. The young producer works in an environment with noise hazards and plays in an environment with noise hazards. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is common (and preventable) but unfortunately, use of hearing protection among youth is not.


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the ear
  2. Identify harmful exposures which have the potential to cause hearing damage
  3. Identify preventive strategies to reduce exposure to noise
  4. Describe appropriate selection and use of personal protective equipment

Stay Cool! Prevention of Heat Related Illness


This Train the Trainer course is designed for teachers, Extension staff, 4H and FFA leaders and others who work with young adults. Agriculture is ranked as one of the most dangerous occupations and involves workers and family members of all ages. Heat-related illness occurs when the body’s temperature gets too high and the body’s ability to dissipate heat through sweating and other methods is overcome. Several conditions can result from this such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke. In 2014, 253,000 young workers between the ages of 16-23 were employed in agriculture. In production agriculture, it is common to work in a hot environment and/ or in direct sunlight. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some even die. Heat-related illnesses, while potentially deadly, are easily preventable.


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify the various types of heat related illnesses
  2. Identify warning signs of life threatening exposures
  3. Learn immediate care procedures
  4. Access educational resources

Cover Up! Head to Toe Personal Protective Equipment


This Train the Trainer course is designed for teachers, Extension staff, 4H and FFA leaders and others who work with young adults. Agriculture is ranked as one of the most dangerous occupations and involves workers and families of all ages – but injuries can be prevented if we use the right protective equipment for the job. This program will present an overview of common exposures in farming and ranching. Students can discuss those exposures and determine the appropriate protective gear for each scenario. In addition, two cases studies presenting common multiple exposures that young people experience are included for discussion.


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Review several of the indicators related to use of personal protective equipment (ppe) in agriculture
  2. Access personal protective (ppe) educational material developed for classroom use
  3. Select decision making activities from programs designed for classroom timeframes
  4. Identify safety and health resources for use in educational settings

Stop Zoonosis in its Tracks - Prevention of Zoonotic Diseases


This Train the Trainer course is designed for teachers, Extension staff, 4H and FFA leaders and others who work with young adults. Agricultural producers are at high risk for acquiring a zoonotic disease related to their work environment with minimal information related to risks, symptoms and prevention. The majority of emerging infectious diseases in the U.S. are zoonotic in nature. They are often difficult to determine and many go unreported for a variety of reasons.


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Define zoonotic disease and identify various modes of transmission
  2. Locate recommended educational resources for use in educational programs
  3. Discuss warning signs and symptoms of major zoonotic diseases
  4. Identify zoonotic diseases affecting the production agricultural population

Where Y’at-Using Mapping to Define Hazards in Agriculture


This Train the Trainer course is designed for teachers, Extension staff, 4H and FFA leaders and others who work with young adults. Participants will learn about the Hazard Mapping curriculum and will be given access to all teacher and student materials after completing the webinar. A Hazard Map is a visual representation of the workplace where there are hazards that could cause injuries or illness. The Hazard Mapping method draws on what students know from their farming experience. The Hazard Mapping approach works best when conducted among a small group of students with some similarity in their work and exposures.


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. To examine the hazards in agricultural production
  2. To identify and locate hazards so that those hazards can be targeted for elimination
  3. To embrace a participatory process that involves as many students as possible
  4. To respect the vast array of skill, experience and know-how that students have about their farm jobs and their dangers
  5. To collectively and creatively pool our knowledge and prioritize what problems to eliminate

Cultivating a Healthy Mind: Mental Wellness for Youth


This Train the Trainer course is designed for teachers, Extension staff, 4H and FFA leaders and others who work with young adults. Stigma exists across all age groups for those struggling with mental health. Navigation of the teen years in everyday situations can create angst and uncomfortable feelings that are difficult to express. Adding mental illness and mental crisis to a teen or young adult’s typical growth and development makes struggling with emotions, relationships, academic success, and safety more challenging. According to the CDC, rates of depression and anxiety climb significantly during the ages of 12-17. Suicide is the second leading cause of death of youths in the United States. This module opens an introductory discussion of mental health among teens and young adults with guidance from an adult educator. Focus is placed on decreasing stigma, improving mental health literacy, and positive coping skills for teens and young adults. The module showcases a high school agricultural student’s understanding of the agricultural mental health crisis, helping to frame mental health distress to academic and future career success.


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the relationship of mental health to physical health and academic or career success
  2. Recognize basic signs or symptoms that present when young adults experience mental stress
  3. Identify healthy and unhealthy coping behaviors when faced with mental distress
  4. Communicate their concerns when suspecting they or someone they know is experiencing a mental health crisis

No Safe Way to Vape


This train the Trainer course is designed for teachers, extension staff, 4-H and FFA leaders, and others who work with young adults in agriculture. This session aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the health risks associated with vaping, debunk common myths, and foster critical thinking and informed decision-making skills. Through detailed exploration of vaping's short-term and long-term effects, interactive discussions, and evidence-based counterarguments, students will learn to critically analyze misinformation.


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Effectively communicate various health risks and dangers associated with vaping.
  2. Provide factual information to help students critically analyze and debunk common myths and misconceptions about vaping.
  3. Foster critical thinking and informed decision-making skills among students regarding vaping.
  4. Discuss becoming a “trusted messenger” of vaping health risks for your students.