AgriSafe Learning
Invest In Your Health - Train the Trainer Course
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AgriSafe has developed the Invest in Your Health Trainer Course to certify educators to train on seven modules designed for young adults ages 14-23. AgriSafe provides course instruction and training materials. Once certified, educators will have the freedom to use these materials in their classroom. The ultimate goal is to enhance the capabilities of local agricultural educators, rural health professionals, and rural leaders to train young workers.
Currently, AgriSafe offers seven training modules:
1. Say What? Protecting your Hearing
2. Cover Up! Head to Toe Personal Protective Equipment
3. Stay Cool! Prevention of Heat Related Illness
4. Stop Zoonosis in its Tracks - Prevention of Zoonosis
5. Where Y’at - Using Mapping to Define Hazards in Agriculture
6. Cultivating a Healthy Mind: Mental Wellness for Youth
7. No Safe Way to Vape
AgriSafe is using an open share curriculum model to expand access to agricultural safety and health curriculum to a wide range of health and safety instructors including parents, teachers, and employers. This curriculum was created with a classroom audience in mind and has been used in various ways to train youth and new agricultural employees.
Invest in Your Health is supported by:

Knesha Rose-Davison, MPH
Public Health and Equity Director
AgriSafe Network
Mrs. Knesha Rose-Davison serves as the Public Health and Equity Director for AgriSafe Network. She has over 17 years of public health experience in maternal and child health, community health, health disparities, and advocacy. In May 2016, she joined AgriSafe Network as their health communications director, quickly growing into their public health programs director, where she managed employer-employee safety training for youth working in agriculture, opioid safety for health providers and agricultural workers, and women’s health topics. Knesha obtained her Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences (2002) and a Master of Public Health (2006) from Northern Illinois University. In June 2016, she obtained a certificate in Agricultural Medicine focused on rural occupational health, environmental health, and safety. She is a member of the American Public Health Association and the Louisiana Public Health Association, where she serves in leadership. Knesha is passionate about serving vulnerable populations and ensuring health access and equity, and she aligns all her work with these causes.

Natalie Roy, MPH
Chief Executive Officer
AgriSafe Network
As Chief Executive Officer of AgriSafe for over twenty years, Natalie Roy utilizes her public health training to improve the quality of health care offered to farm families. Natalie holds a Masters in Public Health from Tulane University. She is pleased to work in the area of agricultural health as it relates to her experience growing up on a farm in Canterbury New Hampshire.

Tara Haskins, DNP, MSN, RN, AHN-BC
Total Farmer Health Director
AgriSafe Network
Dr. Tara Haskins oversees partnerships to support AgriSafe’s Total Farmer Health initiative. She is also responsible for AgriSafe’s mental health programming. Tara contributes to curriculum design and implements new Total Farmer Health trainings that optimize and expand upon existing programs. She collaborates with organizations and government agencies that are interested in using the Total Farmer Health model as a public health framework.
Tara has worked in healthcare as a registered nurse for 37 years with clinical experience in medical surgical, critical care, crisis intervention and opioid and alcohol outpatient treatment. Dr. Haskins worked for 11 years in academia as lead faculty in musculoskeletal and psychiatric mental health nursing content across three universities.

Marjorie McCullagh, PhD, RN, PHNA-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN, FAAN
Professor and Occupational Health Nursing Program Director, University of Michigan School of Nursing
Marjorie McCullagh is Professor Emerita of Nursing at the University of Michigan. She is, first and foremost, a nurse. She has worked in a number of clinical roles in hospital acute and critical care units, and has focused much of her career on promoting and protecting the health of a critical segment of our nation’s workforce: ag producers. As a public health nurse and researcher, much of her work has been in developing and testing new programs to help farmers stay safe and healthy. She has published in many professional journals, and has presented her work nationally and internationally.

Linda Emanuel, BSN, RN
Community Health Director
AgriSafe Network
Shaped by Linda’s experience as a Registered Nurse working in rural communities as well as her proprietorship of a three generational Nebraska family farm, Linda naturally connects as an advocate and educator with agriculture producers and health care professionals. As the Community Health Director of the AgriSafe Network, she is responsible for curriculum design and outreach for the Veteran Farmer program, Total Farmer Health Coach program, and Women’s health. Her work is promoted on a state, regional and national level through webinars, onsite presentations, publications as well as user-friendly resources. Her passion to support the total farmer health concept drives her to act as a liaison between research and practice.
Linda has a diverse background in acute care nursing, intensive care, pediatrics, home health care, and rural primary care clinics. She is an AgriSafe Nurse Scholar, and a Nebraska LEAD fellow. She belongs to the American Nurses Association, Rural Nurses Organization, and Nebraska Nurses Association. She and her husband own and operate a row crop farming operation that has welcomed back their sons and families to continue a legacy.

Katelyn Haydett, MS, DVM Candidate, Michigan State University
Katelyn Haydett, MS, DVM Candidate, Michigan State University
Katelyn Haydett has her BS in Molecular Biology from Defiance College, MS in Environmental Toxicology from Texas Tech University, and is currently a DVM candidate at Michigan State University. Her passion for public health began during a water testing project in Tanzania, Africa and has continued to evolve and include research focused on wildlife diseases and vector-borne zoonoses. Katelyn also served as a member of the AgriSafe Young Advisors Council, from 2016-2017. In her role as a rural leader, she assisted AgriSafe in design and launching of educational initiatives that can reduce farm related illness, injury and fatalities.

Charlotte Halverson, RN, BSN, COHN-S
Total Farmer Health Coach, AgriSafe Network
Charlotte served as the Clinical Director for AgriSafe thru the end of 2022 and is currently a Total Farmer Health Coach. Prior to this role, she worked for several years in hospital acute care settings and community education. During those years, Charlotte developed and managed a Rural Outreach Health service and a Parish Health Ministry department serving nine counties in northeast Iowa. She is a "charter graduate" of the University of IA agricultural occupational medicine course, is certified in occupational hearing conservation and completed the NIOSH Spirometry training. From 1997 to 2013, she provided agricultural occupational health services and program development for the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety.

Abigail Kahrs, MPH
Program Coordinator
AgriSafe Network
Abigail Kahrs is the Program Coordinator for AgriSafe. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science as well as a Master’s in Public Health. She organizes, and coordinates educational opportunities and resources for farmers, farm labor contractors, farm workers, and their families on issues associated with health and work safety (pesticide safety, weather protection, and other occupational hazards) as well as overall agricultural worker family well-being. She primarily assists in the scheduling, training, and reporting of women’s health, infectious diseases, and youth safety programs at AgriSafe Network.

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