AgriSafe Learning
It Pays to Talk Safety in Ag!
Recorded On: 09/16/2024
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Summary: A recent publication has estimated that agricultural injuries are underreported by an astonishing 70%. This webinar will discuss the challenges, barriers, and unintended consequences for suppressing injury reporting in the agricultural workforce. We will also take a look at “good” and “bad” safety incentive programs and how to encourage the workforce to talk about incidents, fostering a positive safety culture.
Intended Audience: Agricultural employers (any size, but will be most relevant to employers with 10+ employees)
Objectives: At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to…
- Identify potential reasons for underreporting injuries and why addressing the root causes of an injury is essential for business continuity.
- Understand the impact of injuries on employee moral and employer reputation.
- Develop a successful safety incentive program that encourages an open dialogue between employees and employers regarding safety.
The University of Cincinnati, Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences, Education and Research Center offers 1.0 contact hour for each webinar during National Farm Safety and Health Week. Upon completing the evaluation, learners will receive a certificate of completion. This course can meet continuing education requirements for a variety of professionals including: BGC criteria for IH/CIH professionals, BCSP criteria for safety professionals, CPH criteria for public health professionals.


Sheri Saskowski, BS, BA, CSP
Safety Manager, Wyffels Hybrids
Sheri Saskowski is a board-Certified Safety Professional (CSP) with over a decade of experience in occupational safety and health in the food production and agriculture sectors. Sheri’s twenty years of experience in her family’s five generation food production business gives her a unique perspective from the employer’s seat. Her passion for safety and health in agriculture is demonstrated with her involvement in organizations such as the Agrisafe, Progressive Agriculture Foundation, and the Farm Bureau.
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