AgriSafe Learning

NFSHW23: ATV Safety
Recorded On: 09/18/2023
- Non-member - Free!
- Member - Free!
Summary: ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) are one of the most common and dangerous pieces of equipment on today’s farm. An average of 500 persons die and another 100,000 are seriously injured each year while operating ATVs. Nearly 60% of the fatalities occur in agriculture. This course teaches how to recognize, evaluate, and control common hazards when operating an ATV on the farm.
Intended Audience: Individuals operating ATVs
Objectives: At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to…
- Understand the hazards associated with the use of All-terrain vehicles (ATVs)
- Evaluate your risk when using ATVs in farming activity
- Control your risk by following safe practices for operating an ATV
- Use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment when operating an ATV

Curt Porterfield, BS
Health and Safety Training Coordinator
Virginia Tech
Curt Porterfield has worked at Virginia Tech for over 24 years in different roles involving agriculture research to his current position as Health and Safety Training Coordinator. He is part of a training team that manages 90 training topics that average over 50,000 training completions per year. He is an adjunct instructor for the undergraduate construction course for the Myers-Lawson School of Construction at Virginia Tech. His ATV presentation is part of Virginia Tech’s Susan Harwood Grant team’s current capacity-building grant on Farm and Agriculture Safety Training (FAST). The grant provides training for farm workers that fall under the Occupational Safety and Health Act at no cost. In addition to his roles at Virginia Tech, he enjoys teaching safety courses for the Mid-Atlantic OSHA Training Institute and Education Center and other local colleges on Construction and General Industry Safety.
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