AgriSafe Learning
Grain Related Entrapment: Are We Focusing on the Right Problem?
Recorded On: 09/16/2024
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Summary: A review of the literature related to the problem of grain related entrapments and engulfments clearly suggests that the most effective response is to focus on rescuing workers once entrapped. The evidence shows that this approach is both inconsistent with the data and has generated little progress in reducing the frequency and severity of these incidents. After summarizing over 1,200 of these incidents, of which approximately 60% resulted in fatalities, the findings clearly show that the problem is not entrapment due to the flowing grain, but rather the documented presence of out-of-condition or spoiled grain that becomes a barrier to removal of grain from storage. Though not as popular as conducting a grain rescue class for emergency first responders, enhancing the knowledge and skills of grain producers to maintain high quality grain will not only reduce entrapment incidents, but will improve profitability for the producer. This webinar will address the well documented relationship between the presence of out-of-condition grain and the increased probability of grain-related entrapment. Methods for safe removal of out-of-condition grain will also be addressed.
Intended Audience: Agricultural safety and health professionals, emergency first responders, agricultural workers, grain storage and handling personnel
Objectives: At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to…
- Identifythe most signifigant causes of grain-related entrapement including out-of-condition grain
- Discuss the need to focus on preventative measures rather than emergency first response strategies
- Explain strategies for removing out-of-condition grain in a safe manner
The University of Cincinnati, Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences, Education and Research Center offers 1.0 contact hour for each webinar during National Farm Safety and Health Week. Upon completing the evaluation, learners will receive a certificate of completion. This course can meet continuing education requirements for a variety of professionals including: BGC criteria for IH/CIH professionals, BCSP criteria for safety professionals, CPH criteria for public health professionals.


Bill Field, PhD
Professor, Purdue University, Extension Safety Leader, Purdue Cooperative Extension Service
Professor Field has served as Purdue’s Extension Safety Specialist for over 46 years and as Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. He conducted his first investigation of a grain bin engulfment in the Fall of 1978 and began to document incidents involving grain storage and handling at both farms and commercial facilities. He has provided testimony in numerous cases and has trained over 15,00 emergency first responders on grain rescue strategies, and has published extensively on the topic.
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