AgriSafe Learning

Skid Loader Safety
Recorded On: 05/22/2024
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Summary: Skid loaders are useful and versatile machines in the hands of appropriate operators. To utilize them to their utmost, we must understand there is inherent risk in the operation of the machine. This class will talk over some of the basics of skid loader operation including why there should be no passengers, proper transport, safety features, and blind spots.
Intended Audience: This course is intended for workers in forestry and logging, including fallers, first-line supervisors/managers of forestry workers, logging equipment operators, sawing machine setters, operators and tenders, and truck drivers.
Objectives: At the conclusion of the training, participants will be able to…
- Discuss statistics regarding skid loader accidents (injuries & fatalities)
- Recognize the need for operators to understand the manual
- Discuss maintenance, upkeep, and repair
- Discuss the need for proper securement when transporting
- Review various warning labels
- Discuss crush and pinch points
- Describe proper methods of working on the machine with the boom up
- Review various points of operator safety (guarding, safety features, entry and exit)
- Discuss why riders should not be allowed and why the machines must have age-appropriate operators
- Discuss visibility and blind spots
This material was produced under grant #SH-000099-SH3 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
The University of Cincinnati, Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences, Education and Research Center offers 1.0 contact hour for each webinar during National Farm Safety and Health Week. Upon completing the evaluation, learners will receive a certificate of completion. This course can meet continuing education requirements for a variety of professionals including: BGC criteria for IH/CIH professionals, BCSP criteria for safety professionals, CPH criteria for public health professionals.

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Dan Neenan, MBA, Paramedic
NECAS Manager
Dan joined NECAS staff in August 2002 as Director. Dan is a Paramedic Specialist, Firefighter II and EMS Instructor. He is a member of the Iowa Propane Board; Vice Chair of the Dubuque County Emergency Management Commission; and Treasurer, Dubuque County EMS. In his work at NECAS, Dan has developed several OSHA approved training programs as well as agricultural rescue programs. Safety programs include viticulture safety, enology safety, confined space-grain bin entry, prevention of grain storage fire and explosions, chemical safety, and confined space- manure pit safety. Rescue programs at NECAS include tractor rollover, combine auger rescue, grain bin rescue, and manure pit rescue.
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