AgriSafe Learning
To Care is to Honor: Understanding the Unique Healthcare Needs of Veteran Farmers
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Summary: Rural veterans are a unique population with a health profile distinguished by a complex multitude of experiences. Come learn more about veteran farmers and how military service culture, gender, deployment experiences, and generational differences impact their total health and wellness. Explore how to better respond to the health care needs of veteran farmers by joining in to this free webinar.
Objectives, by the end of this webinar participants will be able to:
- Discuss the changing demographics of our veteran population.
- Recognize the physical and mental healthcare needs of our veterans.
- Understand recent trends in veteran suicides.
Thank you to our generous sponsor:

Heath Woockman, Lieutenant Colonel
Public Health Flight Commander and alternate Public Health Emergency Officer on Peterson Air Force Base Colorado
LTC Heath S. Woockman is the current Public Health Flight Commander and alternate Public Health Emergency Officer on Peterson Air Force Base Colorado. As flight commander he directs operations at the largest United States Space Force (USSF) Public Health office. Leads medical readiness, occupational health, and community health programs for 7,397 active duty members. He previously served as Command Public Health Officer and Public Health Emergency Officer (alt.) for Air Force Space Command (AFSPC), Peterson AFB, Colorado from June 2016 – June 2019. In this capacity he advised public health, public health emergency, and individual medical readiness operations for 8 wings, 7 bases and 134 operating locations worldwide. He holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental and Occupational Health from the Texas A&M School of Rural Public Health and completed the Public Health Officer course at the United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine (USAFSAM), Brooks City Base, Texas in 2004. He deployed twice, once in 2005 to support Hurricane Katrina relief efforts and again in 2007 to support Operation Enduring Freedom, Bagram AB, Afghanistan. Maj Woockman was then assigned to the 28th Medical Group, Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota where he was the Public Health Flight Commander for the 28th Bomber Wing. Maj Woockman deployed again in 2009 as Public Health Officer in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Balad AB, Iraq. In 2012, Major Woockman was re-assigned to the 55th ISR Wing, Offutt AFB, Nebraska as the Public Health Flight Commander for the 55th Medical Group. He deployed again in 2015 to an undisclosed location in the Middle East in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.

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